Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Workout Day

Cardiac Rehab = $0 co-pay
NRA Shirt for Cardiac Rehab = $14.95 + shipping
Martial Arts Classes $1,400 + testing fees + weapons + lifeskill shirts
The feeling of burning up 1,000 calories in just exercise . . .
. . . in less than a 12 hour period
. . . Priceless . . .

My Legs Hurt

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What's the Catch - Explaination

Potassium Chloride.

Salt Substitute.

They Say that Sodium is bad for blood pressure, heart, muscles.
But Potassium is Good For Muscles.

I already needed more potassium.

So I see that Phony Salt is Potassium Chloride.

It looks like salt........ tastes like salt

So what are it's drawbacks?

Does anybody know?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pop Quiz - Meal Edition

Pop Quizzzz

What did I have for an evening meal.

a. Fuji Apple
b. Braeburn Apple with Fat Free Crackers (apple was very tart - fuji and gala much better)
c. Denon Fat Free Yogurt
d. Glass of Gourmet Hot Tea

Answer: E - All of the Above.

Earlier I had some smoked salmon and a super HOTTTT serrano chili pepper which I thought of as dinner. But now I'm attempting to eat 6 small meals a day rather than 3.

What are these meals called?

Since I've been labeled a labeler, I am trying to attempt to label all these meals.
There is Breakfast (almost always some oatmeal and meds). Lunch (some sort of sandwich). Dinner. Usually a semi healthy meal like fish or something low in fat.
But what are the inbetween meals called?
Everybody knows Brunch.
What is some midafternoon sushi called? Linner? I have actually already used this term for years.
But what is the few hours after dinner fruit or fish? Extended Dinner? since it is really an extension of the dinner meal. Dinfast? since it is in between dinner and breakfast. Late snack? since it is late and more of a smaller meal.

6 meals a day is hard to do. I think it will be more like 5

I also made an Angel Food Cake experiment tonight.
I put some vanilla in it. going to make a lemon one next and an almond one after that.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Meds Taken

Meds Taken....
Gone are the One Pill Days....

Now I take quite a few daily pills....

was told if I miss a dose of one of them I could die... death...

I really don't know which I find more interesting...
Blood Thinners...Beta Blocker.

They both have a fascinating effect on me...
One makes me bruise and bleed easily the other causes low heart rate and bp...

I never really had a blood pressure problem, it was almost always 118/78 or something very close to that.
Now I'm having 110/60 or 96/50.
In Hospital the other day when I was awoke to get vitals and blood my heart rate was 53.
of course everytime they stuck a needle in me it bled and bruised.
My stomach where I got the shot of Lovenox is still bruised the size of a baseball
My arm where I did a blood test on Thursday is bruised.
So these meds have quite an effect.

Coming Soon... Diet posts... I've become quite the healthy cook lately...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Night at the Do Jahng

Only 6 days out of hospital from heart attack
Advanced Belt Rank to Orange
of course had to take it easy..........
and will continue to take it easy for a while...
but it was nice to acheieve this first in a set of many martial arts milestones.

plus now we are not so white, don't look so much like the new guys.
here we are with our instructor.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Board Breaking

My Son and I with the boards we broke in Taekwondo

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Alas a Long Day draws to a close

A Long day draws to an end.

Washed 3 vehicles today (brown sugar, blue thunder, and black frost), also filled them all with fuel and that is quite a statement with the current gasoline prices.
of course I had help on two of them from 3 very helpful children.
Had my towel man, my vacuum girl, and my utility man that did both.
After taking them mini golf and to see a movie this weekend it was nice to get some work done with them.

Today was also the start of the 2008 Retirement Home/Assisted Living musical tour, playing guitar at the pioneer house.
Primrose and Merril Gardens will soon follow.

Tomorrow my honey get's home from her trip to the TKD World Championships so it has been nice keeping busy this weekend.
the Musical on Saturday night went so well, I'm glad that I got to be a part of that, it feels great to play in a band again.

The joining of musical forces always produces a greater musical force than the individuals separately. Of course being in the band prevented me from taking the 200 pictures that I probably would have taken otherwise. But someone will probably share some pictures with me.

So I now look forward to the morrow upon which peace will be restored.

This upcomming week will be hectic as well, with teaching guitar lessons, practicing the baton twirling music, the 4th of July Parade, and social events on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and topping it all off with a very special event on Sunday....

You know this post is perfect for this particular blog. I normally don't post "dear diary" entries on my main blog, and it is not mobile blog material, but the events of today and this weekend and upcomming week just were screaming to me to post something.I guess that is what this blog is for.

Friday, June 27, 2008

So much....... Better

These feelings are so much better than ever before.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Amok Blog

From time to time this blog will be amok

first of all, when the cell phone post blog entries keep repeating I'm going to try to redirect them all here, so to keep the pretty consistent mobile blog already established within reason.

I will also be posting things here as well on their own merits.

I will try to clean up the multiple posts when they occur but there may be some mulitples from time to time, so please bear with me. All in due time they will be cleaned up.

I have been posting alot of pictures lately as that has been something I'm doing alot of.
Whether on my own or as an assignment. Have some very nice camera equipment going with a zoom telephoto and macro lenses. I want to do more of the good Macro closeups I took last year. I have been getting some very artistic shots close up.

Those will be posted on my Main Blog for the most part, but some may occasionally get posted here instead. I think I may not link this blog from my main blog, but it is reachable.

So Enjoy what little there is here. A comment about getting to Natomas when I-5 was shut down, driving up by the 99/5 split, some explainations.
and a really good post that I'm going to duplicate on my Main blog when I wake up in the morning and even A listing of some of the jobs I'm bidding......

Annual Church picnic and softball

Annual Church picnic and softball game

Saturday, May 31, 2008

forgot which blog these phone

forgot which blog these phone posts are going to. started doing the resending thing again . When it does that i change it up to keep blog clean.

Half boiling point

Half boiling point

Wow getting to Natomas interesting

Wow getting to Natomas interesting with freeway closed.


This blog will probably contain alot of the "reposts" that keep occuring due to a cell phone company glitch, that they know about.

I will try to keep it cleaned up because it irritates me to have all the repeat posts.

but if they are there

Please scroll through them and you may find some gems to read/see

-the management

Half boiling point

Half boiling point

Wow getting to Natomas interesting

Wow getting to Natomas interesting with freeway closed.

forgot which blog these phone

forgot which blog these phone posts are going to. started doing the resending thing again . When it does that i change it up to keep blog clean.

Smile and the world smiles

Smile and the world smiles back

Friday, May 30, 2008

Okay the multi posting appears

Okay the multi posting appears to be fixed. I deleted the extra posts from THIS blog and just let the other blog ones stay there were only a few

Bidding a job in vacaville,

Bidding a job in vacaville, two in marysville, and one at Butte College.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

In the end . .

In the end . . . . All things will be known.

Hey don't you forget what

Hey don't you forget what side of the toast your bread is buttered on mister

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

WoO hOo what an awesome

WoO hOo what an awesome day! Best day in a long time.

WoO hOo what an awesome

WoO hOo what an awesome day! Best day in a long time.

WoO hOo what an awesome

WoO hOo what an awesome day! Best day in a long time.

Trying something out

Trying something out